Monday 10 June 2013


Flute: High range instrument. Played in the treble clef.
Piccolo: Very high range instrument. Played in the treble clef. 8va higher
Alto Flute: Mid range flute. Played in the treble clef.
Bass Flute: Low range flute. Played in bass clef. 
ContraBass Flute: Very low range flute. Played in bass clef, 8va lower
DoubleBass Flute: Very,very low range flute. Played in bass clef, 15va lower.

My favourite instruments,and why?

My first very favourite instrument is the piano. There is so many different types of music you can play like, Classical, Jazz and Pop.  My favourite type to play is classical. The reason I like to play classical is because there is so much technique needed to play this style and the song selection is end less. 
Another one of my favourite instruments is the bassoon.  I really love the sound.  It sort of sounds like a bumblebee.  A very famous song played on the basson is Flight of the BumbleBee.  This instrument is usually only in ochestrsas and concerto bands but is sometimes, but not very often, in Pop music and Jazz music.  And my third favourite instrument is the F style mandolin.  I like this sntrument because it is very simple to play and is in another type of music I really enjoy, Bluegrass.  This instrument has the same fingering as the violin so it was very easy for me to pick up because I already played violin. 

Monday 3 June 2013

Trumpets and Horns

The trumpet is very known instrument. The most known brass instrument too. For sound to come out you need to use a buzzing tone into the trumpet. 

The horn is a not so known instrument. It is in most concert bands and orchestras.  It doesn't fit as well into the band because its in the key of F, and all the others are in Bb or C. So it's a wired jump between keys.

Low Brass

There are many different instruments in the low brass section of the band. 

Trombones: Low range instrument. Played in bass clef.
Baritone: Low range instrument. Played in bass clef.
Euphonium: Low range instrument. Played in bass clef. 
Tuba: Very low range instrument. Played in lower bass clef.
Baritone Tuba: Low range instrument. Played in the bass clef.
Sousaphone: Very low range instrument. Played in the lower bass clef. The sousaphone is a marching version of the tuba. So therefore, some people call it a tuba.


Soprano Clarinet: High range clarinet. Played in treble clef, 8va higher.

Clarinet: High and mid range instrument. Played in treble clef. 
Alto Clarinet: High range clarinet. Played in treble. 

Tenor clarinet: Mid range clarinet. Played in the treble clef. 

Bass Clarinet: Low range clarinet. Still played in treble clef. 

ContraBass Clarinet: Very low clarinet. Played in bass clef.


Saxophones are played in all different type of bands. You will most likley see them in Jazz bands, but they are also played in concerto/orchestras.

Soprano Saxophone:
Very high range instrument. Played in the treble clef.

Alto Saxophone:
High range instrument. Played in treble clef.

Tenor Saxophone:
Middle range instrument.  Also played in the treble clef.

Baritone Saxophone:  Low range instrument. Also played in the treble clef.

ContraBass Saxophone: Very low range instrument. Played in the bass clef.

SubContraBass Saxophone: Very, very low range instrument. Played in bass clef, but 8va lower.